exe format with all functionality and features. MSI to EXE Maker Software v. MSI to EXE setup creator software facilitate user to change Microsoft windows installer.Msiintoexe generator application also provides facility to convert default Microsoft Visual Studio.NET framework. Turn MSI into EXE v. Create MSI into exe creator compiler software setup maker generate package convert windows installer MSI program to exe executable file.Full source code and exe-demo application. NET using COM but without using (900K), (150K),. NET module (Excel.cs) to assist in the exchange data between Excel and. The application uses an INI file for specifying the classpath, main class, vm args and other program arguments. WinRun4j v.0.4.2 WinRun4j is a Java launcher designed to be an alternative to javaw.EXE maker application maintains originality and functionality of MSI file in generated exe setup file for any system configuration. Convert MSI to EXE v. MSI to EXE converter software create executable file from any existing windows.NET framework file into EXE file format to be install and run. MSI Setup to EXE Creator v. MSI to EXE convertor application build executable file from existing windows installer MSI file without change its basic functionality and attributes.