The Temple of Notch is a Minecraft map that, as most players will know, has the same name as one of the game’s founders and old developers, Markus Persson. The point of this map is not so much about fighting with other players as it is about exploring your surroundings and getting lost in a cube-shaped land! In this world, you spawn in an underground cave where there are chests full of items for you to use or sell. There’s also an insane number of puzzles so if you’re looking for something intense - look no further!Ĭube Survival is another relaxing Minecraft map that players can play on to escape the stress of everyday life. Although some areas are quite barren due to how large they are, there’s so much exploration involved here and even after playing through it three times, I’m still finding brand new things every time around. Project Zelda is a fan-made adventure map that follows the general story of Zelda but also adds in new content where needed. This map is one that you can’t really go wrong with. As such, many like it as it brings back memories of how things used to be before all of the updates that came out later on! Due to this being such a relaxed environment, most people who play this map have been playing Minecraft since Alpha (the first release of Minecraft).

In the 2021 Skyblock map, players spawn on a floating island in the sky and must survive by collecting resources from their surrounding islands or killing mobs so they can craft better items. This map is a great place to start if you’re looking for an easy, simple Minecraft experience. If you are looking to start a Minecraft server, Iceline Hosting can help! We offer Minecraft hosting services, along with hosting services for many other games. If you’re looking for some maps to give you a bit of entertainment within Minecraft, this is the list for you. In this blog post, we will discuss the top ten Minecraft maps as voted by players from across the world! Each of these maps is free to download and some are best played with friends. It’s entertaining to play and there are plenty of maps available to download, but it can be difficult to figure out which ones are the best. Minecraft is a game that has been around for many years.